Online KML to Shapefile converter

If you ever have had a client say that they have data that they want you to incorporate into a mapping project but it is in KML format.  It is gettign easier to use these consumer formats, and convert them into shapefile for use in professional GIS software.  I recently came across the new online version of KML2SHP.  WIth this handy online converter you do not even have to download and install software.  Simply upload and check the right boxes for the data that you uploaded and you are ready to add the data right into arcGIS software.  This tool is part of Zonum Solutions KML Toolbox which has some very useful tools for working with KML file formats.  With these new tools it is becoming even easier to use Google Earth as a more complete GIS package.  Another benefit could be that you simply tell a client to start a project outline right in Google Earth and they have nice background imagery to look at and start constructing things that they will want in their finished product and you can import them into your professional software and send someone to the field to update the locations and they already have a list of data points so they can easily find the infrastucture that they need to collect data on.  I think we are seeing that converting KML to shapefiles can be very useful and will only become easier as many of the professional GIS software companies are adding the ability to read/write or import KML file directly into their GIS package.

Easy Web Map Updating With Google Spreadsheet Mapper

When looking for a easy way to update a clients google map, i ran into google’s Spreadsheet Mapper.  It is a pretty crafty way of connecting a google spreadsheet with a google map.  It is a spreadsheet entry for creating a kml file that can be displayed in google maps or google earth.  The application that we used it for was updating a realitors website with properties that are currently for sale, or have sold.  The Spreadsheet Mapper simple has you fill in the information that you want in the ballon and they are created and added to your google spreadsheet.  The best part is that if you publish the map in a website you do not have to update any of the code on the website, it will dynamically refresh with any new information that you have entered into the associated spreadsheet.  This makes the process easily accomplished by anyone, not just your webmaster or GIS professional.  So if you are looking for a not to technical way to create your google maps that are continually being added to check out this Spreadsheet Mapper tutorial .

How to Convert Google Earth kml to a shapefile

Working with non gis data formats can often add benefits to a GIS project. One of them is that there can be existing data in a consumer format such as Google Earths KML. Using existing data can help you become familiar with the area of the project and also cut down on the amount of field time that it would take to recollect the data. I will show the best way that I have found to import Google Earth KML files into ESRIs shapefile format.

There are a couple of tools out that can help you import kml to shp but the best one that i have found is the Department of Natural Resources of Minnesota DNR Garmin extension. You can download the script at the DNR website. This program can also be used as a stand program if you do not have ESRI ARCgis. Open the kml file by going to the file menu and selecting Load From -> File. On file type drop down select the kml file extension and browse to the file you want to load. An Output Shape dialog box will appear and select between Point, Line, or Polygon depending on the format you want the data displayed as. When the file has successfully loaded you will not want to save it as a shp by going to File -> Save To -> File. In the Save as Type drop down menu you will have two choices of shapefile to save it as. You can save it as a projected or unprojected shapefile. Select the one you want, browse to where you want it saved and name the file. When the process is complete you will have the kml data in a shapefile that you can open in Arcview or many other GIS software packages. Before you bring it into ARCgis remember to define the projection as DNR Garmin does not do it.

Converting KML files to shapefile is only one of the many great features of DNR Garmin, and they are continually updating and improving it. If you work with Garmin GPS receivers in your GIS work flow this utility will help you easily incorporate the data into you regular working environment.[ad#Google Adsense under post links]